Friday, December 14, 2007

I got back to Place de la Concorde in time to take some photos before Holly & Lucia caught up with me. This obelisk was stolen from Egypt by Napoleon. It's the one you can see from the Arc. It's amazing to me that the carvings are still so crisp & clear, even after being out in the weather for several thousand years.

The Place after dark. It hadn't really struck me how fast night falls in Paris before. & there's a reason they call it the City of Lights. There's the Ferris Wheel, obelisk & the Eiffel Tower.
While Lucia is a connoisseur of carousels, Holly is all about Ferris Wheels. (Somewhere in there is a metaphor about mothers & daughters rotating on axes 90 degrees away from each other...but H & L manage to maintain Peace of Angular Momentum.) We took a ride on the Ferris Wheel & it was as much fun as you think!

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