Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My European Trip! Part 2.

The trip, she continues...

Holly & Lucia & I went to the Cimetière du Père-Lachaise, where a whole lot of famous people are buried. I'm pretty sure they were all dead before getting buried here. It's a very peaceful place & all built into this hill in tiers.
Famous folks whose graves I saw included Chopin, Balzac & Jim Morrison. Jimmy's grave had a crowd (of Americans) around it, but it was boring compared to some of the gorgeous stones I saw, so I'm including their pictures instead.
We didn't know ahead of time, but it seems that it was Chopin's birthday when we visited. A lot of music lovers stopped to wish the old boy a happy one, as you can see.

This woman was so, beautiful, I teared up, just seeing her. This carving was stunningly beautiful & I cannot be sure whether the blac markings were intentionally part of the statue, or were weathering, but the effect just rocked me back on my heels.

This little guy was just darned cute.

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