I took LOTS of pictures & saw TONS of things...it really was a broadening experience. It's going to take me a while to really get all my thoughts about this trip in order, so I'm going to be doing it in pieces here, illustrated with photos!
I flew on Air France on all the flights involved in the trip. It was a great experience & put me into a French-speaking mood. I don't speak much French at all (I took it in high school, & really remember very little), but I had: 1. a French phrasebook and B. tremendous natural talents! Actually, 1 thing I learned my first day was that you can go far in Paris with good manners, a little bit of French and THE SECRET. (I will get back to THE SECRET in a little while...)
I knew my friends Holly, Nick & Lucia were going to meet me at the airport & was really looking forward to seeing them. What I did not realize when I landed at Charles De Gaulle Airport was that my flight had arrived nearly an hour ahead of schedule. I sailed through passport control & customs and went through the gate into the airport, and was greeted by...no one! My friends were on their way, but neither they nor I knew that I'd arrived early... I felt The Fear that I was alone in a strange country where I didn't speak the language. Hoo-boy!
I also learned that the customer service people at CdG will not page someone for you.
Long story short (too late!), Holly, Nick & Lucia arrived right on time & all was right in the world again despite my initial panic. Here's us on the train!
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